Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tips for inner balance and spiritual awakening (part 1)

I'm starting to talk from personal experience now, since it seems the best way to express the tone of my thoughts and learning experience.
For as long as I can remember, me religion has been gradually been replaced by spirituality.
And it's what ultimately fills my heart, mind and soul with happiness.
It's no mystery we tend to get this nagging-ugly feeling sometimes.
Like things are out of order or we got a big tablespoon of peanut butter stuck in our throat with now milk in sight.
There's a few days now that and I wonder what the source of it is.
I can dwell endlessly in psychological analysis, but ultimately that ends up making me feel inadequate.
Attributing this energy change to the Cosmic Forces is one of my very real cop-outs but in essence, what really boils down to is spiritual nourishment and awareness.

It's not really all that complicated.
Realizing that you need a few days to simply only think about things that inspire you, that make you smile, that motivate you: positive music, friends, ideas and dreams.

Here are a few steps that usually 

help me get out of my rut:

1) AFFIRMATIONS: I know, it sounds tedious and hippie-ish but IT WORKS!
I live to repeat the words 'I am love, I am happiness, I am health, I am wealth' but of course you can always replace them with whatever you're desiring at the moment: money, balance, inspiration, creativity.
It helps to feel the words. Use your imagination!
DID YOU KNOW? ...............The brain can't tell the difference between reality and imagination.

2) Write it down: Journaling, blogging, online journaling, or even participating in an Online Forum (one of my favorites) is the best way to get your ideas, thoughts and wishes down. If needed have one journal for venting and one for wishes so that way you can go through the process of letting go of the unwanted feeling and then start manifesting your desires.

3) Listen to positive music, read good books, hang out with good-vibe friends: We're so used to listening to angry co-workers and other people who just LOOOOOVE to talk about the bad situations in their lives.

Many don't realize that after re-visiting their story OVER and OVER and OVER again is only helping PERPETUATE THE VICIOUS CIRCLE!
Remember, what you send out as energy, always comes back. Any strong feelings you have about anything in your life will only BRING MORE OF THE SAME. 'Like attracts like'.

4) Take some quite time.I like taking a few minutes to close my eyes and just IMAGINE: every aspect of how I want my life to be.I also like to meditate (this just means not thinking about something or learning to quiet mind-chatter). Sometimes picturing bright light coming-in from the top of my head and radiating through.

5) Have a cup of your favorite non-alcoholic beverage: tea, coffee, chai, whatever.

6) SMILE AND BE POSITIVE. It will start to switch your brain into that awesome place!

Some suggested reading:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Media for Gratefulness.

In order to get back on track with this blog, I wanted to first get back in the "vortex" as Abraham puts it.
This vortex is basically a harmonic balance, a spectrum of pure light, a lightness of being, a psychological happiness. As you can see, I'm trying to define it with the senses but it's not really necessary to define.
It feels differently on each and one of us.
It's just like trying to define what love is or what wind is.
So now I'll just inundate you with a bunch of my favorite videos, songs and visual inspirations which help me, personally to get to a point of happiness, balance and bliss.

Hey, excuse the girliness, of course a lot fo the inspirations I find/seek is from women.
After all we all identify with our gender, most of the times.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Power of Visualization

On my last post I introduced this blog and recommended a few books and ideas about the subject of making your dreams come true and shifting the way you see reality.

If you had a chance to browse through some of those, then you might have noticed one of the techniques all were talking about was the power of visualization.
This is a very useful and actually fun concept to try out: basically visualization is really an "adult" or grown-up way to say imagination.

For me, the best way to visualize is to sit down in a quiet room and close my eyes.
I start by focusing on my breathing and gradually tune-out the mental chatter.
After that, I start bringing my first goal to my visualization.
Bare in mind, sometimes before or durning this I go to the computer and find some images to give me a clearer image of what 'it' looks like and then I add my own detailing: my own little signature accents.

This technique only gets better with time. At first, your visualizations might be a bit blurry and you might not have enough patience or time to do it, but you'll see that with more practice everything will start to look and FEEL a lot more real.

A few tips:

Feeling your visualization is perhaps the most important part of it.
Seeing the images is absolutely a great percentage of taking you into your real manifestation (actually receiving the thing, person, situation in real life) or really, your manifestation being attracted to you.
YOU HAVE TO FEEL the sensations (excuse the redundancy), taste, smell, and most of all, feel HAPPY that you have this thing/person/situation at last.
It also has to be in the PRESENT, as it's happening RIGHT NOW.

- Remember while imagining, to say it in a POSITIVE tone. For example: I don't want to be poor again can be rephrased into I am feeling rich and wealthy.
Noticed how I turned a negative into a positive and also made it be in the present tense?

So go ahead and start visualizing each and every dream coming true. 
I can tell you from experience that I have manifested many things ans situations: my job, my money, my boyfriend  travels and even found lost objects that I attracted back to me!

Want to go back to school and get your college degree online?
Research some scholarships and make your dreams come true!


-Guided Visualization Video: 

Share your stories with others:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Changing your beliefs, making your dreams come true.

This is a blog about my own personal advise, tips and resources I'd like to share with all of those who are beginning to understand the underlying causes of life situations.

Perhaps you have noticed 'coincidences' or signs that you were not aware of before.

I noticed those every day now.
But they're not really coincidences. They are manifestations of your thoughts.

Ha, hope I'm not loosing you with that one.

By now you're probably starting to think I'm a hippie new ager who has been brainwashed by some pegan cult or something.

But let me tell you something, I've been studying this for close to two decades (I'm 30, now).
I can clearly remember getting my frist book from one of those racks they had on the side of the register at a local Diner. It had some cool drawings, maybe that's what interested me the most.
But as I started reading it, the content began to reveal a underground world of thoughts and magic I was not aware of.
It was a book about energy and telepathy. It was pretty general, but at 11 y/o, you can be pretty fascinated with just that.
I guess you could say my interest has always been encouraged by my parents, who are both believers in the "unseen".


Let's just say I've been testing many of the theories and ideas I'll be presenting in this blog and will be doing my best to give you my own personal insight into what has worked for me and what I feel needs to be done.
All these ideas will be based on the premise of HOW TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

I would like to start this post with a book I truly enjoy and I believe is a great start to the subject matter:

The Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

When I first saw this book four years ago, I thought it was a sort of religious book and didn't pick it up.
Thinking back now, I guess I wasn't really READY to understand things this book had to teach me.
It is sort of a little "push" to start reading, because of the way the author explains how this informations is "received" but if you are open enough to look pass that or embrace that possibility, you'll be greatly inspired and rewarded with some of the best knowledge available for you to understand the energy and world of opportunities there is in all of us.

Other recommended reading:

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Power by Rhonda Byrne
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Manifest your Destiny by Wayne Dyer
The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer.

Want to make your dream of going back to school come true?
I really recommend you browse through some scholarships and grants available to you. Everything's possible with right mind set.